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Curated Products

from Handpicked Sellers


Made with love ❤️
by Mauritians

100% Natural

Eat local, consume local,
closer to nature.


Across Mauritius

Fresh Vegetables
153 products
Mr Organic
Mr organic
94 products
Rude Health
Rude Health
48 products
Fresh Juice
Fresh Juice
14 products
Fresh Fruits
71 products

Food Cupboard

Ella's Kitchen

A shop for good people by
good people

Buy Groceries, Fresh fruits  & Vegetables, Chilled Food, Food Cupboard, Frozen Food, Dietary,  Organic Foods, Soft Drinks, Beverages and more delivered to your kitchen table.


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We are no 1 grocery store in Mauritius with 10,000 customers who aspire to be good, do good, and spread goodness.

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